about us

For many decades, photography has not only been at the heart of our professional activities – if anything, it has been a central motivating force in our lives. And so, together with photographers whose work inspires us and whose contemporary perspectives represent for us the important issues of our time, we want to contribute to a debate for the better understanding and support of cultural, political and human viewpoints, and to nurture this creative community.
CHROMFELD presents a stylistically diverse selection of very different aesthetic, formal and conceptual approaches.
For selected photographers and photo artists, we will curate editions, prints and monographs and offer them online.
In addition, we are also compiling a wide selection of photobooks and monographs, rare, out-of-print copies as well as new books and book sets. For we are convinced that the book is still one of the best forms of expression for photographers – an exhibition between book covers, so to speak.
CHROMFELD will produce all works in best fine-art quality. The technical expertise and professional experience for this is provided by piCta, who have, since 1990, been producing high-quality editions and exhibitions for the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation, Leica Galerie LA, the Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie and artists such as Thomas Höpker, Elliot Erwitt, Jürgen Schadeberg and many others.
the people behind chromfeld
The founders Rui Camilo, Carsten Riffel and Holger Lindner know many of the artists personally and have been working closely together for many years to select exceptional works and present them to an international audience.